
The information on DevData (information) is general and indicative in character, was not collected and collated for a particular purpose, and is not official statistics. The relevant MFAT officials believe the information to have been accurate and up-to-date when published but no promise, representation or warranty is made by MFAT to that effect or that there is no other relevant information which has not been disclosed.  A person accessing DevData or using information (user) must not assume that MFAT will correct or update information once published promptly, regularly or at all.  A user must decide for itself (including after taking independent advice) whether to access DevData and/or use any or all of the information for any purpose.  If a user accesses DevData and/or chooses to use or rely upon information for any purpose it does so entirely at its own risk.  MFAT does not, and will not, accept responsibility or liability upon any basis whatever (including negligence) for any cost, loss or damage incurred or suffered by any such user or other person in relation to DevData and/or the information.


Open data licence

Data available on DevData is published under an open data licence. An open licence removes restrictions on anyone interested in using, sharing and understanding the data.

Data refers to all content collected by using the function for exporting to CSV via devdata.mfat.govt.nz.



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For information on MFAT’s approach to privacy refer to: https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/privacy/(external link).



For information on MFAT’s approach to copyright refer to: https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/copyright/(external link).