
Definitions of the main terms, concepts, and abbreviations used on DevData can be found below.

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Term or abbreviation



A piece of development or humanitarian work. Activities can include projects, programmes, technical assistance, training courses, research projects, debt relief operations, and contributions to non-governmental organisations.

Aid for Trade

Many developing countries face a range of obstacles that constrain their ability to engage in international trade. “Aid for Trade” describes trade-related development activities as defined by the OECD-DAC (see OECD-DAC Aid for Trade(external link) for more).

Calendar year

A period of twelve months from January 1 to December 31.

Collaboration type

The type of collaboration involved in the activity’s disbursements, e.g. “bilateral” (involving a specific country or countries) or “multilateral” (involving an international organisation).

Cooperation modality

The type of aid, by classifying transfers from New Zealand to the first recipient of funds. Examples of cooperation modality type include project-type interventions; general budget support; and core contributions to multilateral institutions.


The country or territory that benefits from the development activity. A single activity may benefit more than one country or regional areas (refer Multi-country).

Current status

The current status describes whether the activity is currently ongoing or has been completed.


activities that are in design, implementation, or closing stages


activities that have been completed

End date

The actual or forecast end date of the Activity.

Financial year

A period of twelve months from July 1 to June 30 (the New Zealand government's fiscal and financial reporting year).

Implementing partner

Partners or partner organisations with whom New Zealand cooperates on the activity. Not all partners are currently listed.

International development cooperation

Cooperation that aims to reduce poverty and foster sustainable development in developing countries at the local, regional, and global level. This can include assistance in the form of grants, technical and programming support, and policy advice.


Some activities are implemented in multiple countries or regional areas, meaning one activity may show up in multiple search results. Although an activity may appear multiple times on different search results, expenditure is not double-counted, as expenditure is apportioned by percentage to different countries/regions depending on the scope/scale of the Activity in that location.


The Development Assistance Committee is the principal body through which the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) deals with issues related to co-operation with developing countries. See OECD-DAC(external link) for more information.

Overall area

A geographic grouping of countries and/or regions. DevData uses Pacific, South East Asia, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, and Other to categorise the regions and countries in which New Zealand’s development activities take place.

Policy marker

The policy or theme addressed by the activity. Each activity is assessed to determine the extent to which it contributes to a policy objective, and is marked as either principal objective, significant objective, or not targeted.

Principal activity

The score ‘principal’ means the policy objective was an explicit objective of the activity and fundamental in its design (i.e. the activity would not have been undertaken without this objective). 

Regional area

Defines the geographic area in which the development activity takes place. A single activity may benefit more than one country or regional area.


Describes the area of the recipient’s economy that the development activity is designed to assist, e.g. health, energy, agriculture etc. It describes the purpose of the aid, and does not refer to the type of goods or services provided. An activity can have multiple sectors, which are displayed with percentage allocations that total up to 100%. Some contributions are not targeted to a specific sector, e.g. general budget support, debt relief, emergency aid. These are called non sector allocable aid.

For definitions of the sectors, visit OECD-DAC’s website for the current code list: link)

Significant activity

The score ‘significant’ means the policy objective was an important, but secondary, objective of the activity (i.e. not one of the principal reasons for undertaking the activity).

Start date

The actual or forecast start date of the Activity.

Total expenditure

The total amount spent on the Activity. For Active activities, this amount is "to date" and is subject to change over time.

Tying status

The tying status describes the extent to which funding is limited (tied) to procurement of New Zealand goods and services, or if procurement can be sourced from any country. Tied aid is considered to prevent recipients from receiving good value for money for services, goods, or works.